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An SPF also protects against skin aging

Many people look for the perfect day cream against skin aging and wrinkles. Nothing is as important as a cream with sun protection. This type of cream also protects against couperose and pigmentation marks, smoke, dust and air pollution.


Many women have already integrated it into their daily routine: a day cream with sun protection. Even in winter it is wise to use it.  


What is the difference between UVA and UVB?

The ultraviolet radiation that the sun emits has different variants. For us the most important types are type A and type B. UVB radiation gives the greatest effect in the short term. This radiation creates the redness that we also call sunburn. This radiation also damages our DNA. UVA radiation can not be felt even though it is present. It causes harmful effects in the long term. Rapid skin aging and skin cancer are part of these long-term effects. 


What does SPF mean?

SPF is an abbreviation of Sun Protection Factor. This factor tells you how long you can sit in the sun without burning from UVB radiation. A small example. Normally, a person with a healthy skin burns after about 10 minutes of sun exposure. When that person uses a cream with SPF 3, he or she can sit in the sun three times as long without burning. So 30 minutes. With a protection factor of 15, this person can sit in the sun for 150 minutes without burning. 


Is this harmful UVA and UVB radiation always present?

UVA and UVB radiation is always present. Even if it is cloudy or foggy. Many people also think that shadow protects them from this radiation, but nothing is less true. This radiation also reaches your skin in the shade. This is partly because they reflect from the environment unto your skin. It is therefore necessary to always protect yourself from the sun. Not only people with a light skin suffer damage from the sun. It does not matter which skin color you have, the radiation remains equally damaging in the long term. An SPF in a cream only tells you how much it protects against UVB radiation. It does not tell you anything about the protection against UVA radiation ! An SPF protects less well against UVA radiation than UVB radiation. UVA rays are ultraviolet rays of the type A. UVA radiation can cause serious damage and, in the long term, even damage the DNA.

Although many creams claim to provide protection against both UVA and UVB radiation, this is not always the case. Some creams with a factor of 30 or higher do not provide enough protection against UVA radiation. When the cream wants to give the best protection against UVA radiation, it must contain some essential ingredients. These include zinc oxide, avobenzone (butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane), titanium dioxide, mexoryl SX, tinosorb and/or ecamsule. Before you buy a cream, it is therefore wise to first carefully look at the list of ingredients. Only when the product contains one of these ingredients can it provide enough protection. Our day creams contain titanium dioxide


Complete protection is impossible

A cream with a good SPF will never completely protect your skin against UV radiation. About 3% of the UV radiation always reaches the skin. Therefore stay away from the sun as much as possible during peak hours, and protect yourself with light clothing.

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