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Vitamin D and the skin

Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. When deficient, various skin complaints can occur. How can you prevent this?

Vitamin D is a popular vitamin. This is for good reason. This vitamin supports bone and muscle function, contributes to a strong immune system and plays a role in a wide range of processes in the body. Vitamin D is largely produced in the skin, under the influence of sunlight. In addition, vitamin D is naturally found in relatively high percentages in oily fish and, to a lesser extent, in eggs and butter.


The importance of vitamin D for your skin and health

Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. About two-thirds of the amount of vitamin D you need daily is produced this way. The remaining part comes from your diet. The sun in spring and summer is powerful enough for the skin to produce vitamin D.

How important sufficient vitamin D is shows the following skin complaints that can be caused by vitamin D deficiency:

Dull skin

If your skin looks a little greyish and dull, and you suddenly suffer from dark circles under your eyes, chances are you are struggling with vitamin D deficiency.

Restless skin

Vitamin D can reduce certain inflammations in the skin. With a deficiency, the body has to put in more effort to fight against skin conditions like acne and rosacea.

Fine lines

Vitamin D serves as an antioxidant that helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles. A vitamin D deficiency causes wrinkles and fine lines to appear more quickly.

Dry skin

Dry, itchy skin can be a major symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Often on cheeks, chin and forehead. At worst, it can cause eczema, as the immune system functions less well.

Sweating faster

Finally, vitamin D deficiency can cause increased perspiration all over the body. This can make the skin dry and irritated, causing pimples to develop more quickly.


How can you prevent vitamin D deficiency?

A vitamin D deficiency can be caused by lack of sunlight, but also certain diseases (obesity, intestinal problems such as Crohn's disease or cystic fibrosis), medication (e.g. cholesterol-lowering drugs) , or not enough calcium in the diet can cause vitamin D to be absorbed less or not at all.

People with dark skin also form a risk group when it comes to vitamin D deficiency. This is because melanin in the skin functions as natural protection against sunburn, but limits the rate at which vitamin D can be made.

To determine whether you have a vitamin deficiency, you can get a blood test from your GP.

So a vitamin D deficiency is easily lurking, but by getting enough sun and eating the right foods (e.g. oily fish, liver, eggs, butter) you can at least ensure that your deficiency remains minimal yourself.

The advice is to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes a day outside between 11am and 3pm with uncovered hands and face. This is enough for your body to make the recommended amount of vitamin D.


Vitamin D and the eyes

Vitamin D is also produced through the eyes. So go out in the sun regularly without sunglasses!


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